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  • Mohcine Chraibi's avatar
    Add new stair types · 6c8fe559
    Mohcine Chraibi authored
    - Escalator:
            <escalator_upstairs mu="1" sigma="0.0" />
            <escalator_downstairs mu="0.5" sigma="0.0" />
    - Idle escalator
            <v0_idle_escalator_upstairs mu="1.5" sigma="0.0" />
            <v0_idle_escalator_downstairs mu="0.8" sigma="0.0" />
    Todo: We need to introduce a new property to pedestrians. Some pedestrians
          walk in escalators and some stand. Therefore we should have for
          the first type
          v0 = v0 + escalator_upstairs; or
          v0 = v0 + escalator_downstairs;
          and for the second
          v0 = escalator_upstairs; or
          v0 = escalator_downstairs;